
Were Hiring Bus Drivers

  • Stay in your seat, no switching!
  • No eating or drinking on the bus.
  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
  • Do not distract the driver.
  • Keep body parts and personal items out of the aisle and inside the windows!
  • Avoid loud talking and yelling
  • Use only appropriate language.
  • Be considerate of others.

Transportation Department

Kristy Thompson
Transportation Director
Elizabeth Karel
Bus Driver Route 2
Henry Petersen
Bus Driver Route 1
Kenneth McDonald
Bus Driver Route 14
Kelly Munger
Bus Driver Route 16
Larry Bise
Bus Driver Route 10
Serine Petersen
Bus Driver Route 3
Cindty Witke
Bus Driver Route 3
Wanda Dunn
Bus Driver Route 11
Valerie Allen
Bus Driver Route 5
Melissa Walker
Bus Driver Route 17
Wayne Osborn
Bus Driver Route 6